Meditating for Money
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Now, meditation is a big topic in society these days and it's often talked about as a means of improving performance in our trading, but what does it really mean? Meditation is a broad topic. Today what I want to do is I want to explain what meditation is and by explaining it to you, I believe it will help you to be more effective, not only as a trader, but in your life. Before we get into meditation, we need to talk about brainwaves, we need to talk about the frequency that we operate within our mission control. You can see in this table we have here, there are five categories of brainwaves and they're ranked by their frequency. The highest is gamma, gamma is between 30 and 100 hertz. Then there's beta, beta operates between 12 and 30 hertz. Then there's alpha, alpha operates between eight and a half and 12 hertz. Then there's theta, theta is between three and a half and eight half Hertz and the lowest is delta, which is between zero and three and a half Hertz. What's really important to understand is that these different frequencies actually relate to our mind and who we are.
Inside of us, we operate through essentially three identities. There is the conscious mind. In the conscious mind, we're aware of what's going on outside of our body. There's a subconscious mind which we go inside, and we are operating inside our body and the world inside. Then there's the third that's never talked about, which is the superconscious mind, and the superconscious mind is actually the pathway in which we connect and communicate with God. Whatever it is, you call God, I call it the Holy Spirit or Jesus, but it is the frequency that we actually feel divine guidance. What's fascinating about this is some people will say, well, I don't believe in that, but actually, if you get your mind to operate in these frequencies, you're opening the door to receive divine guidance and to communicate to whatever you view as God. So, if we look at this, as we said, beta is about the conscious mind. Then we move down into alpha, alpha is actually the bridge between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Then we drop down into theta, theta is all about the subconscious mind. If we want to program our subconscious mind, we hear all the time that we're run by our subconscious programming. If we want to program our subconscious mind, we go down into theta. Below theta is delta, we go to delta, this is like where we are out. We don't really remember anything. What's so interesting, though, is that the delta is the gateway to the superconscious. This is where we actually connect with God. The fifth category is gamma. Gamma is fascinating because gamma is the highest frequency, it's much higher than the other ones, but when you go into gamma, you are receiving some kind of divine guidance, some kind of divine inspiration, you're operating at some other level and what's so interesting about gamma is that in gamma, you rarely go to gamma from beta. These other levels, you kind of slide up and down between them, but gamma is like an outlier. Ironically, you actually get to gamma from theta and delta. You get to gamma from the lowest levels of brainwaves, and you typically don't stay up in gamma very long. This is useful, though, because if we have a map, we know where our conscious mind is, we know how to get to our subconscious and we know how to connect with spirit. One last thing I failed to mention when we talked about gamma, gamma is the other place of the superconscious mind. It's the other place that God talks to us. It's the place where we really act on God's inspiration and God's direction.
If we take this and here's just another version of the same chart that you can see gives a little more detail, but if we take this, we can take this into understanding the different purposes of meditation. As I said, meditation is a broad category, but if we look at meditation, we can really break it down into two categories. Category One is awareness and stillness. Category Two is visualization and imagination. Let's talk about this. When we start to drop out of beta down into alpha, and then into theta, we start to move into meditation. This is where meditation occurs. Meditation is really the calming of the mind, but once we get down into alpha and theta, there's a fork in the road. We can go to awareness and stillness. This is what most people think about with meditation, where we're calming the mind, we're focusing on our breath, we're breathing deeply. What's interesting about this is that when we get to this state, we're actually opening up the access point to God and the superconscious mind. Now we go into meditation, we can come in with setting an intention, but when we go into awareness and stillness meditation, it is passive. Here we wait to hear from God, we wait to feel God and it's all about slowing down.
We go the other route of visualization and imagination; this is where manifestation occurs. When we go into visualization, we are the creator, we are the believer. This is the place if you have limiting beliefs, this is the place that you remove them and you replace them, because as we go into visualization, and imagination in the subconscious mind, we can create whatever we want. When we go in here, because its visualization is proactive, we are actively creating a picture, we're actively working through scenarios. Another incredibly important element of this is that when we go into visualization, manifestation, imagination, it's not just about what we see, it's very much about what we feel. The stronger our feelings, the more we encode upon the subconscious mind. This is why our thoughts are so important, because if we think thoughts of fear, of anxiety, of anger, we're imprinting that on our subconscious mind. If we are thinking about thoughts of abundance, about success, about achievement, we imprint that upon the subconscious mind.
We want to realize that we have different tools for different reasons. We can go in to listen to what God wants to tell us or we can go into creating our own reality. You get to choose. In trading, we could go into awareness to slow us down to be slower in our decisions or we could go into visualize and do scenario visualization, preparing us for anything. I want you to take this back and think about how you can use this in your own trading and in your own life. Have a purpose and have intention for your meditation. Use it to lower your brainwaves and change your state and be able to program a subconscious mind into accessing God's divine inspiration. Stay tuned for next Tuesday when I have more tips like this to help you take your performance to an elite level. In the interim, I hope you have an amazing week. See you next Tuesday.
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