Five Steps to Cultivating an Abundant Mindset

Today, what I want to talk to you about, it's one thing to talk about abundance and thinking in abundance, but if we really want to be able to cultivate abundance, if we want to be able to develop a new habit, we need to have a system. We need to have a way of thinking about things in a repeatable way, so that you think about it every day. As a review, if you go back to last week, if you have not seen the Trader Tip Tuesday on manifestation in the have, do, be principles, make sure you go back and watch that. The have, do, be principles are a life changing frame. Make sure that you watch that. Now I like to come back to the scale of consciousness, I like to come back to this again and again and again. In the work that I do this scale of consciousness is really at the heart of it. It is foundational and it's fascinating because I look at the scale of consciousness, and I link it to my faith and I think that the linkage between my faith in God, in the scale of consciousness is unbelievably powerful and I never, I rarely see it talked about. I never see it talked about in church. That's one of the reasons that I started to UnChurch. It's because in the UnChurch, I wanted to talk about things that bring you closer to God that are not necessarily talked about in church and this is one of them. In the scale of consciousness, one of the things that we know is that our emotions have different vibrations, our body literally puts out energy. Our emotions, our thoughts, our emotions, our actions all have energy, they all have vibration and as such, we are impacted by the vibrations around us, and we impact those with our vibrations. The one thing that we are in charge of is our own vibrations, we get to have free will, we get to have choice to choose the vibration that we get to have emanated from our body. This is important when we go through and we talk about abundance, and specifically manifesting abundance. 

One of the things that we can see, and we mentioned this in the have, do, be model is that we look at the lower levels, desire. Desire, people think of as a good thing, as a strength, but desire is actually very weak. It's a very weak vibration. It does not actually deliver us what we want. Desire actually is very, is a close cousin of envy. We're recognizing we do not have something and then we are envious that somebody else has it or we desire us to have. This is important to understand. Because when we vibrate higher we don't want for anything, we are that. As we raise our vibration, we then attract to us the very things that we desire to pass. We don't need a desire because we already have the feeling as if we already had that. Let's take this in. One of things we've been talking about is we need to become wealthy on the inside first, we talked about abundance. Abundance is a mindset. It is a mindset. It's not how much money you have, it's not how great your relationships are, it is your mindset about abundance and about scarcity. We need to become wealthy on the inside first and that's what these five steps are going to help us cultivate this mindset of abundance. Tthe five steps to manifest abundance in your life are one, meditation, doing controlled visualizations, controlled imagery. Two, intense love, no judgments. Three, joyful gratitude. Four, transformational vocabulary, and five, right action. 

Let's talk about number one meditation. Okay, so in meditation, meditating calms the mind. 0ne of the things if you want to vibrate, if you want to have control over your vibration, you have to get control of your mind and how do we do this? We gain control of our mind by calming our mind down and when we calm our mind, we can be proactive. Then we can focus on what is most important, not focused on the stimulus around us, not focused on the latest crisis, but focus on what we want. Now, of course, to focus that we want what we want, we got to know what? Yeah, we know what we want. That's definitely part of it, right, but when we meditate, this allows us to calm and focus. Now, there's two types of meditations. There's meditations that are passive, and there's meditations that are active. Most people think of meditation as the passive meditation. What is passive meditation? Passive meditation is when I close my eyes, and I focus on my breath, I focus on the stillness and I just be. That's how most people think of meditation. That's fantastic. It does help calm your mind, it does help calm you down. There is a role for passive meditation, but really, what we're talking about here is active meditation and active meditation is where we create the imagery that we experienced in our mind and ideally, we open our mind, and we actually create an environment where God can come in, the Holy Spirit can come in, and sit in that environment with you, but you are proactively creating this. One important aspect of meditation, because if you can imagine that God, God is the source of your prosperity, it is an absolute game changer. Now, I feel sorry for many people, because many people have issues with God, and they cannot get to the point that they're comfortable with even having God around. Where they blame God for their problems, so they are going to really struggle to see God as the source of your prosperity. Remember, we talked about beliefs, what are our limiting beliefs, a belief that God wants to punish us, the belief that we're angry with God, or that God has abandoned us, these sorts of things are really, really damaging beliefs. Talking about being useful, or limiting useful or unuseful, having a belief that God is there to punish you, that you have screwed up, that you're filled with guilt and shame and God will never forgive you. 

These are extremely limiting beliefs. If we can get to the point, though, where we believe that God loves us unconditionally, and he does, and that he wants the best for you, and he does, then you can begin to imagine that God is the source of all your prosperity. In meditations, you can start to feel how amazing it is to know that God loves you, and cares for you. What's interesting is that virtually anything anybody wants, if we take what anybody wants, just think  of maybe something that you want. If we take it and we dive all the way down, we go through layer after layer, I could take you through a series of questions, take you down layer by layer, we always are going to get down to one root desire, one root view. Now one root need is the need to be loved. The need to feel accepted and loved. The problem is on this planet, everybody is flawed. sinful, however you want to see it, how ever you want to label it. People are in their own stories, they're in their own perceptions. They're in their own head. As such, they're not really capable of loving you the way that you want to be loved, but God is. God is above this world. God is of this world and God is the one who loves you, no matter what. If you can get to this place where you can meditate and in meditation, feel the love of God, see what you want, see it coming to realization, see yourself having it right now. Notice I haven't here Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard. Feeling is a Secret is a short book, but it is a radical book. What Neville Goddard is saying is that being able to produce the feeling that you would have if you had what you wanted. Did you have the ability to create that feeling right now? In this feeling, you now change everything about you, you start to literally change your vibration, you start to literally change your body chemistry and through this you begin to draw to you the things that you would have if you were that person. Why? Because you are. You're feeling that way right now. Meditation is almost like a lab, where we go in and we build what we want and we feel the outcome, we feel the identity we want to have and we feel it in the context of a relationship with God.  

Then we move to number two, which is intense love. What do we just talked about? Talked about love, right? Everybody has the desire to be loved. Okay, well, here's one thing I want you to think about. The thing that you want is the thing you must give. It's one of the ironies of life. Whatever it is you want, you must give it, you must give it to receive it. If you want love, you need to give love. If you want money, you need to give money. You want to learn something, you need to teach. It's very ironic, you'd have to go and take a selfless action first, to get back what it is you desire. What it is you want. Love, when we feel love to others, love is their natural state and when you go back love sits high in the scale of consciousness. When we love others, we raise our vibration. People sense it. This makes sense, but to me what the big part is, is the opposite of this. What is the opposite of love? fear, hate anger? Oh, yeah, sure. Right. How about judgment? We're all judging creatures. We walk around every day judging everybody. Why is that person looking at me? Or that person's a dork, right? That person looks like an asshole. Or why is that person fat? Why don't they take a shower? How dare they cut me off, yada, yada, yada. There's all these stories in our head and we're judging everybody. This is what's so fascinating. When we judge others, there is no space, it is impossible to love somebody and judge them at the same time. It's impossible to love somebody and judge them at the same time. When you're judging somebody you are not loving them and when you are loving them, you are not judging them. It's so important to understand about this is that when we judge, we cut off love. What do we all want? We all want to feel love? How do we feel love? We give love. How do we ruin it? We judge others, it just cut off the flow. Now it creates separation from us and God or however you, source, whatever you want to say. It create separation and in separation now we feel fear, anxiety, loneliness, desperation, disillusion, yada yada yada. How do we get it back? We go love somebody. Think about this, if you can raise your awareness about judging people and know that you're judging somebody, you have the power to stop judging them, to change your focus and just accept them as they are. Whatever it is that bothers, just let it go. Who cares? It doesn't affect you. Let it go. When you let it go, you put yourself in a place that you can love again and then because you love again, guess what? You will feel love back. 

Okay, number three, joyful gratitude. Gratitude is actually higher than love on a scale of consciousness. I'll say that, again. Gratitude is higher than love and scale consciousness. It's so interesting, we all desire love, but gratitude is actually a higher level, emotion. We cannot practice gratitude enough, we should be practicing gratitude daily, and throughout our day. Anytime you find yourself mentally struggling or angry or depressed, or annoyed, go back to gratitude. Gratitude, gratitude will solve all your issues. One of the best books I've ever had, is called Jesus calling. Jesus Calling is a devotion and I basically have done Jesus calling every day for 12 years. Now, in doing this every day for 12 years, what I love about Jesus calling, is it takes in by the Bible and in Scripture, and elements of church that I really, really love, but it's frames them in the context of God's love for you, and the sacrifice that Jesus made and the presence of the Holy Spirit, which is always with you. It just speaks to me. I want to read you the passage from today because in this context of gratitude, I think it is incredibly powerful. Thank me throughout this day for my presence, and for my piece, this is the devotional. Thank me throughout this day for my presence and my piece. These are gifts of supernatural proportions. Ever since this resurrection, I have comforted my followers with these messages. Peace be with you and I am with you always. Listen, as I offer you my peace and presence in full measure, the best way to receive these glorious gifts is to thank me for them. The best way to receive them is to thank me, thank God for them. Okay, then listen to this part. It is impossible. It is impossible for you to spend too much time thanking and praising me. I created you first and foremost to glorify me. Thanks giving and praise put you in a proper relationship with me, opening the way for my riches to flow through you. As you thank me for my presence and my peace. You appropriate my richest gifts. In this devotional, God is telling you that the best way to connect with him is to show gratitude. The more you feel gratitude, the more you will receive. Remember what he said, I created you first and foremost glorifiy me. What he's saying is he crated you first and foremost to show him gratitude for what he gives you. This is incredibly powerful. It's all backed by scripture, by the way. We practice gratitude all the time, I like to do what's called a gratitude rant, where in a very short period of time, you just say as many things as possible you're grateful for, and you will find it, it will massively change your state, you cannot be angry if you're constantly expressing gratitude for all the things you have and you have many things to be grateful for. Just be honest. 

Then we move to number four, which is transformational vocabulary. We want to choose words that are only in alignment with our outcomes and our intended energy. Criticism, verbal abuse, words of hate, selfish speech, they all poison life and they remove you from your preferred states. These things, criticism, verbal abuse, words of hate, selfish  talk that all lower our vibration, and I'll take us down this hill, and move us away from where we want. Not only that, but we could say, just think of this. I could say, you know, I'm annoyed today. I'm annoyed that somebody said something to me. Or I could say I'm devastated by what this asshole said to me. Might be the exact same thing. First time I said the same thing to you, but one case you see how it's annoying. The other you say I'm devastated. The words you're choosing, annoyance versus devastation give way different feelings over the same thing that was said to you. Our words have power, our words matter. You want to be very careful about what you say, how you say it, who you say it to. Now, we have a place that we're not gonna talk about today, but I teach you a premise called the stack, which is a safe place to go stay whatever's on your mind, get it out of your head, but outside of there, we want to be very careful about what we say because it's, it's like introducing poison to your mind and your body. 

Okay, lastly, just right action. Right action is we have to take right action to guide our ways. One of the things that's great, a great premise is to listen to the voice or listen to what the Holy Spirit guides you have to do and if the Holy Spirit guide you to do something, you do it without procrastination, you do it right now. You live in integrity in all your dealings. You act with abundance. You can act with integrity, if you accept abundance. People come out of integrity because they're scared. You think Well, I, I need this I have to have that. I'm gonna steal this or I'm not gonna say anything about that, hope they don't notice, but the reality is, it's all based on fear. If you believe that God is looking after you, he's gonna take care of everything. you'll behave very differently, you will behave with generosity and with grace. Meditation Let's go back to the five steps. Meditation. Creating an image of who you are. intense love, loving others to know judgements. Joyful gratitude, finding moments throughout the day to show gratitude for all the great things in your life. Transformational vocabulary, picking the words you use very carefully. Right action, taking action on what you must do, and do it with integrity. These five steps if you practice these every day, it will radically change your life and it will not take very long. I'm talking about a week or 2. 30 days, so many things in your life can change. Why? Because we become wealthy on the inside first. Once you're wealthy on the inside, nobody can take it away from you. God tells us to store up our treasures in heaven where they are safe from the moths, the robbers, the elements. Well, where is heaven in this case? It's in our head. That's our vault. Become wealthy and inside first, five steps to manifesting abundance. We do a Trader Tip Tuesday, we coming to you with tips like this five steps to manifesting abundance and help you take your performance to an elite level. You want to take your performance to elite level., live with abundance. See you next week.

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